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To create a more fulfilling beneficiary engagement experience, we appreciate any form of monetary or in-kind sponsorships (products/services).

  1. Corporate social responsibility and branding

  2. Uplift the lives of beneficiaries

  3. Enjoy 250% tax reduction

  4. Engage employees in team bonding activities, fostering a stronger and more unified team spirit

Potential Sponsor Benefits
[PR+23] Fundraising E-Poster-1.png

Logo acknowledgement on marketing collaterals


Logo acknowledgement on T-shirts

Sponsors for PR23+.png

Sponsor appreciation on social media

* List not exhaustive

Past Sponsors
Unearthed Productions.png
Biore Logo working file_preview_rev_1.png
guardian's logo.png

* List not exhaustive

We welcome all kinds of contributions and all support is greatly appreciated!

For sponsorship enquiries or other sponsorship-related matters, please email

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